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pokemon sv dlc first rip by porocopi16 at 6:31 AM EST on February 9, 2024
alright i got something resembling a rip, i think, for the pokemon dlc

couple notes, i don't have names cause the existing rip doesn't and i don't play pokemon games that much so i have no idea where all these are ingame (not to mention the rip of the basegame also is just mounds of gibberish so i'm essentially trading one for the other if i give them names). some are broken cause vgmstream doesn't have certain features yet and they're split as such or because game freak messed them up, two of the files i had to fix loop points by ear, i've checked, most play fine otherwise based on purely listening by ear

probably easier to sort by duration than it is otherwise but that's my own personal take. do what you like with these ones, whether they go up on the site is up to anyone else, i just wanted these done at all and as far as i can tell this is pretty much legit

there's about 200 ish files when all sorted and trimmed down. it's amazing how many sfx make it into the initial rip to bloat it all up

literally my first time and i already don't want to make it a habit, but, yeah, if future pokemon games are gonna be like this i want out

edited 6:32 AM EST February 9, 2024
by Koetsu2 at 10:46 PM EDT on March 17, 2024
Thanks! Your efforts are appreciated.
by J2023 at 12:43 AM EDT on March 19, 2024
Hasn't Just Dance 2024 Edition been ripped yet? I'd think that 2023 Edition has already been ripped, but it's missing the new Just Dance + season-exclusive tracks.

edited 12:43 AM EDT March 19, 2024
by ddjddtd at 6:36 AM EDT on April 10, 2024
just wondering if the following games could be ripped: sailing era, matsukeke burst, macross: shooting insight (this is a basiscape soundtrack, so), death trick: double blind, yama no susume next summit ~ano yama ni, mou ichido~
princess peach showtime by ghf_50 at 2:21 AM EDT on April 15, 2024
Has "princess peach showtime" been ripped?
Endless Ocean Luminous by Mouser X at 2:18 PM EDT on May 7, 2024
I just wanted to add my thanks for ripping the music from this game. While it may not be the sequel I'd been hoping for (I loved Endless Ocean: Blue World), I'm still enjoying the game. So I definitely appreciate that the music has been uploaded here!
Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble (Switch) by J2023 at 10:54 AM EDT on June 24, 2024
Hasn't Super Monkey Ball: Banana Rumble been ripped yet? I have just brought the game on my Switch and i'm enjoying it, but I'd hope that the music from that gets uploaded by tomorrow or in a few days after release.

edited 10:58 AM EDT June 24, 2024

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