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- by draker at 5:57 PM EST on November 27, 2018
- is it okay now?
SmashU lOPUS files.
work in latest vgmstream.
get dem copyright strike on youtube ready Vector Harbor.
-edit OH AM I LATE O BOY i look like an idiot.
nvm im an idiot.
edited 6:02 PM EST November 27, 2018
edited 9:26 PM EST November 27, 2018
- by Vector Harbor at 6:32 PM EST on November 27, 2018
- I already post that and i'm working on posting a different one with proper names with the remix and original song only but i'll wait a bit longer to post that.
- by bxaimc at 8:43 PM EST on November 27, 2018
- In case I wasn’t clear before, please stop posting smash. This is the 3rd or 4th time it was posted already. I will upload it on joshw when the game releases in Japan. I would like to avoid having Nintendo sniffing around here. Thank you.
- by kode54 at 9:06 PM EST on November 27, 2018
- So please kindly delete that link, while you're at it.
- by draker at 9:26 PM EST on November 27, 2018
- yea that'll teach me to not go enough pages back in a thread.
tl;dr sorry, i was overwhelmed by the excitement of a new smash
edited 11:28 PM EST November 27, 2018
- by simonmkwii at 11:30 PM EST on November 27, 2018
- Why do people keep posting smash?

edited 11:30 PM EST November 27, 2018
- by XAHiRiTiKA at 12:27 AM EST on November 28, 2018
- I'd rather Nintendo never know of this place's existence. Nintendo works at my dad and he'd be real angry about it.
Joking aside... theres no real reason to re-up it till the release anyways since the decode quality is legit painful.
edited 12:28 AM EST November 28, 2018
- by Vector Harbor at 12:59 AM EST on November 28, 2018
- And i think that there is a update that will improve the quality.
- by draker at 1:02 AM EST on November 28, 2018
i doubt the quality will ever get "better"
its opus @ 68kbps, they went for quantity over quality.
achtually you dont really need vgmstream to play LOPUS as they are basically opus with a "custom" headers, with little modification you can play these with ffmpeg.
i mean its better than say AAC or MP3 at the same bitrate, but yea the compression really show in some tracks.
- by Sephirothkefka at 2:33 AM EST on November 28, 2018
- It's actually 64kbps. VGMStream adds 3 kbps to the bitrate for some reason. Also it uses FFMpeg currently to decode Opus which will be changed soon to libOpus.
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