Getting video and audio from a usm file by Ran at 1:35 PM EST on January 23, 2018
I am currently trying to get the video and audio from usm files, but I can't get what I want from the adx and m2v files.

The extension of the files is .usme but I think they are usm files.
Atleast the VGMToolbox gives me an adx and a m2v file so I think it's extracting things correctly.
However when I try to convert the adx to wav using vgmstream I only get static noise. I can't play the m2v file either or convert it into anything useful using ffmpeg (I am not really an expert on this).

Here is one of the files:

Here is the spanish version of the previous file, maybe it's possible to find something since they are similar?

Here is the result I am expecting:

Am I doing something wrong? Any tips on how I should proceed?

by ssh at 5:46 PM EST on January 23, 2018
Those usm files are encrypted use CRI USM Decrypter.
Drag and drop usm files onto Decryption.bat and enter the decryption key: 00000497222AAA84
by Ran at 6:57 PM EST on January 23, 2018
Thanks, that worked!

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