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by Kurausukun at 3:57 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
I'm going to be taking a class on MIPS assembly starting in autumn, so maybe I'll be able to help you then :P
by AnonRunzes at 4:49 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
@Kurausukun - All I know is that "lw" means Load Word and "xori" means Exclusive Or Immediate.
by hcs at 5:45 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
That's a good start! If you want to start another thread to ask questions, feel free. I know a bit of MIPS and I know many others who read here do too.
by AnonRunzes at 5:54 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
If only I knew how to run a .XBE file through IDA Pro...

I could use a "XBE" preset and set the processor to something like "Intel Pentium III" but then the program crashes. And I don`t feel like actually buying one of the most expensive disassembles ever so I`m waiting for some group to crack the newest version there is if available.
by Nisto at 6:28 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
@AnonRunzes: my way of learning to rip PSFs was with a lot of help of Someone42's PSF ripping guide. Apart from that, one thing that especially helped me was enabling auto comments in IDA, so that I wouldn't keep going back and forward between documents to reference full instruction names when/if I forgot. MIPS assembly (any assembly language, really) was also new to me when I started, so you're not alone. But I think it's a great way to start learning assembly languages for sure.

I've also been working on a PSF2 ripping guide and some accompanying tools for some months now, but I haven't had that much priority on it lately since there doesn't seem to be much interest anyway. I'm hoping I'll finish it soon though..

edited 6:30 PM EDT June 4, 2017
by AnonRunzes at 6:41 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
@Nisto - The thing is how can I enable auto comments, though. Sometimes I have no idea what "li" is supposed to mean.
by Nisto at 6:52 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
AnonRunzes - under Options -> General -> Disassembly tab (first tab), it's to the right form under "Display disassembly line parts". It's not a permanent setting, so you have to do it for each file you open. (You can probably make the setting permanent in some configuration file somewhere, but for that, you're on your own.)
by AnonRunzes at 7:03 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
@Nisto - Got it.
by hcs at 7:41 PM EDT on June 4, 2017
Oh cool, I never knew about that setting! That'll make things easier in the future, thanks!
by hcs at 8:24 AM EDT on June 5, 2017
I went to the Portland premiere of A New World, a Final Fantasy concert at University of Portland. Surprisingly the venue (basically a mid-size college lecture hall) was not nearly at capacity, I'm used to packed Distant Worlds or Video Games Live concerts in much larger concert halls. Particularly as I've seen more VG-related t-shirts in Portland than anywhere else I've lived, and had people recognize my OC Remix shirt. Maybe it's because it was a 5 o'clock matinee, the 8 o'clock show is probably a different story.

The concert was very enjoyable, I look forward to the next CD coming out, they did wonderful arrangements of at least FF Chaos Temple and FF5 Home Sweet Home that aren't recorded yet.


While I was there I picked up a library card for the Clark Library on campus, and took out a copy of ENIAC in Action about the life and evolution of that computer. I've long wanted to read this. One of the interesting things is that while it was likely the first stored program computer to run (following modifications to its initial hardwired sequencer), this wasn't considered a revolution at the time.


I just turned on the key outlines for the virtual keyboard (Gboard) on my Android phone, it's amazing how different this feels now that it gives me clearer targets to aim for. I don't remember if I stupidly turned this off myself or if it was the default.

... And now I can't find that option again to turn it back off for further comparison. I wanted to turn it off for a quick typing speed test.

Oh, it's "key borders", and you toggle it when choosing a theme. Looks like it was off by default according to a few articles I've read. I think this may have been one reason I found someone's iPhone keyboard much better feeling.

edited 8:54 AM EDT June 5, 2017

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