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- Pimp My PC, Episode 2 by unknownfile at 2:43 PM EST on January 3, 2007
- Mist is now in at the computer shop, where it awaits the following upgrades:
- a new case with better ventilation and a hard drive fan
- 1 GB of memory (which brings it up to 1.5 GB)
- a DVD-RW drive to replace a DVD-ROM drive
All of this was paid for by my parents, though I insisted that I paid for some of it.
I'm in an internet cafe in Chinatown right now, and there are guys at the other end of the room playing Counterstrike.
- by unknownfile at 12:28 AM EST on January 4, 2007
- The case has been installed. For some reason the CPU fan keeps going even though CPU usage is at 0%, which may or may not be a bad sign. It was like this earlier, though, so I'm not really concerned.
- by unknownfile at 11:53 PM EST on January 6, 2007
- hcs, I saw you credited on the Gekko website, what's up with that?
- by hcs at 7:28 AM EST on January 7, 2007
- I've expressed my interest in adding DSP support, I have the source code, so I guess they consider me on the team...
- Mariokart DS emblem format decoded by unknownfile at 6:22 PM EST on January 8, 2007
- Last night, I began work on a project that allowed someone to decode a Mario Kart DS emblem (captured over the Wifi adapter using Ethereal) into an image on a computer.
Here is the result.

On the right is my DS, and on the left is the image rendered in Turing.
Due to the lack of variety of colors that can be displayed on the Windows console, I am currently using Turing for image rendering by way of the Draw.Dot procedure.
The source code can be found nyah.
Also, to whoever changed the topic in #usf, thanks.
- Computerstuffs and otherstuffs by unknownfile at 2:40 PM EST on January 12, 2007
- Well, my portable PC's hard disk at school has finally died. The computer will be in for repairs during the next two weeks, because the mongoloids refuse to let me do it myself and at my own expense.
I'm still planning on building a new computer. I'm most likely going to be replacing Sea with this new computer after it's up and running.
I'm hoping for:
- 1 GB memory
- Intel Dual Core processor clocked at around 2 GHz
- Rackmount case
- UPS backup
I'll be using everything else from Sea, such as the CD-ROMs and hard disks.
Exams are coming up, the first being on Thursday of next week for computer science. I don't care about certain subjects, as I have a lot of knowledge in them so I am content that I don't need to study for them.
I'll hopefully rip 1080 this weekend if I am bored enough.
EDIT: No 1080 this weekend. I'm not interested in that. Let Josh do it.
edited 9:04 PM EST January 12, 2007
- by hcs at 3:40 PM EST on January 15, 2007
- rockbox SPC codec
- by Prokopis at 3:24 AM EST on January 18, 2007
- Hmm, this is making me start wondering again how likely the possibility of a java applet SPC player is. Anyone ever heard of one or somebody saying they were considering making one?
PS: zomgawd, zombie forum member!
- by unknownfile at 9:43 PM EST on January 18, 2007
- My latest project(ile):
void ASDF_PARSE(void) { fread(executable_code_section,1,256,executable);
for (int pc = 0; pc < 256; pc++) {
// check instructions one-by-one to see if they are valid
if (ASDF_CHECK_INSTRUCTION(executable_code_section[pc]) != 0) {
printf("[ASDF_PARSE] error at 0x%x\n",pc);
printf("[ASDF_PARSE] call to parser finished: %d error(s) reported\n",errors);
Can you guess what I'm writing?
- by hcs at 11:25 PM EST on January 18, 2007
- My latest project:
shell script for extracting rsn and renaming spcs.
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