Just Dance Timeline files by yunyl at 10:07 AM EDT on August 15, 2018
I'm modding a game (its just dance, no forum or anything about it, its private modding) and im taking files from old game and putting them into new game. There is some timelines where the game configures when should moves (the .msm files when you do dancer's move and it gives you point) appear. Both games has same file, same .msm and same file. In old game, the game is using milliseconds but in new game it's a thing i dont know. Example from old game's same file and same .msm

StartTime: 4800 (it's milliseconds)
Object "example_handsup.msm"

but in new game,

StartTime: 24 (A time stamp I don't know)
Object "example_handsup.msm"

I'm searching for a help. I really wonder how can I convert old game's timelines into new game's timeline system (talking about new game's time)

I really need help, I can't find a way to do it for 2 months and one person said that it's Cross Multiplication.

Also, don't care about the "png" in new game file.

Please answer if you have any ideas.

Here are the files: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LSWvkbv2aHTJyn1myatMyIxnOfKabKAd

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