Street Fighter IV Volt and SFIV: Champion Edition (Mobile) Sound ripping problems by JacintaB19 at 5:53 PM EDT on May 17, 2020
I'm having trouble ripping the sounds and voices from both Street Fighter IV Volt and Street Fighter IV: Champion Edition's Iphone IPA files. The WAV sound files (that are raw sound data) don't play in foobar2000 and Audacity.
How can I get the sounds and voices from both games? Please help!
You can use a TXTH to play it using the metadata you provide (codec, sampling rate, channel count, total samples are required), but you would need to know what encoding it uses. I do not know much about this, maybe someone with more experience with this can identify the encoding used?
I'm not an expert at using the metadata and knowing about the encoding the sounds use (as this will take forever), but it would be more best if i upload some sample files to others first for examination.
These WAV files use the same XOR Key as OTO files. Download WAVdecrypt and put it in the same directory where all the WAV files you want to decrypt are. Then run the EXE. I don't know if it works for every file, but it worked on the 2 samples you provided.
The sounds (including filenames) are actually in the "common.ckb" file. It's not in WAV format but fortunately the structure is quite simple so converting them to WAV is easy. I wrote a tool as usual. Just drop the "common.ckb" file onto the EXE. The WAV files are created in the same directory as the EXE.
There's only 181 WAV files in the ckb and no OTO files? There are only continue voices for the DLC characters, though...
What i'm wanting is all the OTO files that are the voices, music and sounds for the 7 "missing" characters (Guy, Gouken, Evil Ryu, Juri, Rose, Elena and Dan), as I have already ripped all 25 of the base roster's characters from the IOS version.
If you still can't find a solution, then upload an IPA file of the latest version of the game and i'll check.