Is there any Nintendo 64 romc Type 2 Compressor? by saulfabreg at 12:13 PM EDT on July 19, 2020
Hi! Can anybody develop and/or provide to me a Nintendo 64 romc type 2 compressor for compress the N64 ROMs to romc but in type 2 in order for be able to use in new Nintendo 64 Wii Virtual Console WADs like Zelda: Majora's Mask, Paper Mario 64, Mario Party 2, Bomberman Hero and others? If anybody is able to make a compressor for this type of romc I will be very happy. Thanks in advance :D
I did write a decompressor for it a while ago, might be useful for someone seeking to write a compressor.
Maybe of more immediate use, I wrote romc0, which just adds a type 0 header. I think that should work for replacing files, but I don't think I ever heard whether it works.