How to create an OGG file with subsongs? by Dark_Ansem at 6:24 AM EST on November 12, 2020
Title. I would like to mod some BB music, and the area tracks are all subsongs, for the explore and combat themes. Could someone please help?
by kode54 at 5:37 PM EST on November 29, 2020
Plain Ogg files contain subsongs in the form of different ranges of the stream having different stream serial numbers.

As long as your different ogg source files had unique serial numbers from encoding them, you can just concatenate the original .ogg files into a final .ogg file.

This is assuming the software you're feeding these to uses chained Ogg streams, and doesn't have the actual file offsets hard coded.
by Dark_Ansem at 9:35 AM EST on December 2, 2020
OK, not only I'd kindly ask for a practical example, but this is also the 5th time I have to post as it keeps telling my authentication has failed

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