Question about MDT files from Sega Saturn T&E Soft games by SoundGLSI at 1:39 AM EST on January 22, 2022
Hi everyone,

I saw there are various SSF rips of Saturn T&E Soft games, but there's one missing so I tried to rip it myself.

As soon as I examined the CD's files, I found that the sequenced BGMs are in MDT files. They countain SSEQs, tone data and the EXB file, however, I couldn't find the TSK driver...
Does anyone here know what's the driver file, or if it's embedded, and how can I extract the EXB file? I know kingshriek's Python tools to make SSF rips.
I've used seqext and tonext to extract the sequence and tone data successfully from the MDT files, but that's the only thing i could do. The driver and the EXB file are the missing steps to make SSFs of them.

Oh, and another question, since this is from a Saturn game. In the game I'm trying to rip, there's CPK files that have music in them. They're stereo, so unlike the rip I did of Astal, I couldn't found a way to play them correctly (I used ffmpeg to copy the big endian planar PCM audio stream to a file). If I, somehow, succeed at making this rip, can I include them in WAV format?

BTW: The game is "Waialae no Kiseki: Extra 36 Holes".

Thanks for your help!

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