Can't understand how this file still plays by tester22341 at 1:43 AM EST on March 10, 2022
I have a Unity game with this piece of translated code:

this.WwiseSwitch = new WwiseSwitch(39444145, 576274767);

The first parameter I'm not sure of but the second matches

sid dwSoundBankID 576274767

Given from wwiser.

So what I did was open the .BNK in a hex editor and changed the header piece to 542719590 before repackaging my Unity bundle and put it into the game.

Now I didn't change the second parameter so the switch no longer matches the soundBankID. To my surprise the sound still plays.

If I change the second parameter then the sound stops playing so it's clearly using this somehow to play my BNK. This is a brand new install so there's no way it's caching anything.

How can wwise still know to play this if it doesn't have the correct ID? Does anyone know how playing files in wwise works?

edited 5:51 PM EST March 10, 2022

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