Street Fighter 6 (Full Game rip) WWise BNKS by J2023 at 4:38 AM EST on January 3, 2024
I've got all of the sound and BGM BNKS and PCKs from the full version of Street Fighter 6, from the base game's .paks up to the game's latest update .paks so far. I was also planning to rip the .wem files using wwiser, but I didn't have the time to do it...

So as with this game's demo, all of these .bnks can be played in foobar by re-naming their extensions. I couldn't find any .list files for the bnk filenames, as they are all unorganized which makes finding the right BGM/sounds/character voices of choice much harder for you.

edited 10:06 PM EST January 3, 2024
by J2023 at 1:25 PM EST on February 27, 2024
It has been a while, but today I've just added all of the sound and bgm .bnks and .pcks from the game's latest update, which adds Ed to the roster.
by J2023 at 3:04 PM EDT on May 22, 2024
A bit earlier than expected, but here it is...

I've extracted all of the sound and bgm .bnks and .pcks from the May 22, 2024 update, which adds Akuma/Gouki to the roster, and also gave players the option to use any BGM tracks that they have in the in-game Music Player as custom character BGM tracks!

You'll need to use 7-Zip to extract the files out of this archive. Once again, make sure to re-name the files' extensions to make them playable in foobar.

edited 3:05 PM EDT May 22, 2024
Easy rename x64 by zergempire at 10:51 PM EDT on June 13, 2024
You can use this Link by the way to mass rename the x64 files to bnk. to save yourself hours of time, take any x64 files with bnk in them, add them to a folder, then save this txt doc and rename it to .bat, save it into the folder with your bnk files and run it. It will rename all the files to .bnk and you can load them up in foobar no problem

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