TMNT: Danger of the Ooze 3DS Sequenced Music? by DunksLovesSounds at 3:56 PM EDT on June 23, 2024
This "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles" game is an old nickelodeon title that released back on 3DS, Xbox 360, and PS3. Wasn't sure if there's anyone still out there that has extracted this game that could be able to help. What I am trying to do is rip audio/music from this 3DS specific port of the game because of it's contrasting quality to the Xbox and PlayStation ports.

I haven't heard the entire soundtrack yet, but after hearing the Title, Sewer, HQ, and Street tracks and comparing to the other soundtrack on console, I have come to the conclusion that this port is using synth music instead of STREAM files.

The only problem is that when I extract the main files, they seem to be all packed in .vol format. I don't know if this is a custom format made by Nickelodeon, but if it is, can anyone direct me on how to extract these files and maybe get the samples and instrument values used for the soundtrack?

Also shout outs to the people who still know this game. :D
RE: TMNT: Danger of the Ooze 3DS Sequenced Music? by DarkSolidSnake at 8:59 PM EDT on June 27, 2024
VOL files?

Well, .vol files are specific to titles developed by WayForward.

The sequenced music in question is stored in it's .bcsar sound archive.

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