Supreme Snowboarding ADP by MusicMantis at 9:24 AM EDT on July 25, 2024
I was going through some boxes and found a disc for "Supreme Snowboarding", a PC game from 1999 that I played a couple of decades ago.

In the end I couldn't get it to boot properly, but I did notice some ADP files with titles that correspond to what I vaguely remember of the soundtrack.

Does anyone know what I could do to get these to play?

If it ends up being a lot of trouble, it's not important. I'm just in the mood for a little bit of nostalgia! Thank you for your time.

edited 9:24 AM EDT July 25, 2024
by bnnm at 10:38 AM EDT on July 26, 2024
See last posts here:
by MusicMantis at 1:21 PM EDT on July 26, 2024
D'oh! I don't know how I missed that! Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.

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