DDR Ultramix .bkt file? by Wrland at 5:01 PM EDT on July 26, 2024
I can't find the .bkt file to extract, can someone find where to extract this?


edited 5:02 PM EDT July 26, 2024
by Wrland at 4:53 PM EDT on July 27, 2024
anyone?, because I found the xen-tax page and it says that Web server is down

edited 4:53 PM EDT July 27, 2024
by WDLmaster at 10:41 AM EDT on July 29, 2024
The files contain no information about sample rate or channel number. You can extract them using VGM toolbox but you get headerless RAW files. The waveforms are 16-bit. Some might be compressed (?) or garbage/unused. In VGM toolbox, do the following:

Misc tools -> extraction tools -> generic -> Virtual File System Extractor

* File count is at offset [ 8 ] and has size [ 4 ] and byte order [ little endian ]
* File records begin at offset [ 476 ] and each record has size [ 8 ]
* Use file offsets to determine file lengths

Then drag and drop the BKT file(s) onto VGM toolbox. The extracted files are put in a sub folder where the BKT files are.

edited 10:41 AM EDT July 29, 2024

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