Panel de Pon GB GBS rip by MoldyPond at 7:47 PM EDT on August 8, 2024
After going down quite the rabbit hole I found that within Pokémon Puzzle Challenge for the GBC there's an entire unfinished but accessable version of Panel de Pon GB sitting inside the ROM. Only the menu and main theme music can be heard while in this mode but according to The Cutting Room Floor there's the rest of the soundtrack hiding even further within.

Currently there's already the GBS rips for the Game Boy version of Tetris Attack as well as Pokémon Puzzle Challenge available, but the Puzzle Challenge rip only includes the actual game's music and not Panel de Pon GB, with this also being a different arrangement than Tetris Attack's versions. I was wondering if anyone is capable of getting Panel de Pon GB ripped as either an inclusion within Pokémon Puzzle Challenge's GBS file or perhaps entirely its own "Unreleased" rip instead. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

edited 7:51 PM EDT August 8, 2024

edited 7:52 PM EDT August 8, 2024

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