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Everblue PS2 by Locke_gb7 at 7:55 AM EDT on August 21, 2024
Hi everyone,

I'm trying to extract the music from the PS2 game Everblue. The underwater music has sound effects mixed in, and the PSF2 file I found is missing most of the music tracks. I can't manually record the music due to the sound effects, and tools like PSound only seem to find tones, which suggests the music might be generated by a script.

Does anyone have experience with extracting music from PS2 games that use scripts to generate music? Any guidance or advice on tools or methods that could help with this would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance!
by DunksLovesSounds at 12:08 AM EDT on August 22, 2024
Hi! I'm not familiar with the Everblue game or it's soundtrack, but I do want to try and help.

Where did you find this PSF2 file? Is it from the actual game you extracted?

If it's sequenced and it's in generic format, you may be able to use VGMTrans to pull up 3 sections that are Samples, Instrument Header, and Sequences that can be converted to music .MIDI files.

PSound is efficient in finding samples and playing them without exporting them to 44100HZ first and THEN playing them at lower pitch like VGMTrans forces you to do. However like you said, PSound can only pull up the sample sounds. And because these samples are stored in different soundbanks to load separately upon scene change in RAM and aren't define in the program, you won't get much organization either.

It's best to have both PSound and VGMTrans for efficient use. If you haven't installed VGMTrans already, see if you can pull up any music data.
RE: by Locke_gb7 at 10:08 AM EDT on August 22, 2024
I got the PSF2 here

I got out of the ISO/bin/cue a PS2.DAT and ARIKA.dat

I did extract wav using psound but yeah its a library of seemingly music tones?

Theres a lot of compressed date files and a lot of file types, I am not sure what could be used how, any info I could provide you that might help?

Thanks !
by Locke_gb7 at 10:10 AM EDT on August 22, 2024
is you look at Psff2 file PS@_0003_00.psf2 you will see the issue with the psf2 file
by DunksLovesSounds at 2:51 PM EDT on August 22, 2024
Best advice I can give is trying to use VGMTrans.

See how on this Google Drive picture, there's VGMSampColl, Sony PS2 InstrSet, and Sony PS2 Seq (the sequences you are calling scripts)?

I have no experience with extracting PS2 Bin/Cue files. Only ISO files so far.

See if you can get anything like this with the tool, though, as I was able to play some music with the PSF2 files you showed.


edited 2:55 PM EDT August 22, 2024
reply by Locke_gb7 at 9:30 AM EDT on August 23, 2024
Yeah, the PSF only has "some"

seems i was going to try VGMTrans but only found links to github and the download is idk what you call it, programming files?

I don't see an ap, like it needs compiled or something.
by DunksLovesSounds at 3:27 PM EDT on August 23, 2024

I'm gonna give you another link to the VGMTrans I have. It is VGMTrans Preview 1.1. It shouldn't need compiling of any sort, or at least that I know of for the newer versions.

See if you can open it and try dragging ARIKA.DAT or PS2.DAT in VGMTrans.

(There is also VGMToolBox, which you could try using to separate the SQ/HD/BD banks from the .DAT file, but I'd say don't bother downloading. You don't need it for this game since I assume it's soundbanks are very small for it's amount of content.)

edited 3:31 PM EDT August 23, 2024
by Locke_gb7 at 9:06 AM EDT on August 25, 2024
i see these files

when I useed i think psound? i forget to extract the DAT files i got
Unnamed File 000001.empty
Unnamed File 000002.empty
Unnamed File 000003.unknown
Unnamed File 000004.empty
Unnamed File 000005.empty
Unnamed File 000006.empty
Unnamed File 000007.unknown
Unnamed File 000008.empty
Unnamed File 000009.empty
Unnamed File 000010.empty

which file might work with VGMTrans ? one of these files must have the sequences ? the tones seem to have been extracted as wav by psound from i think the ps2.dat

This is getting out of my depth damnit.
by DunksLovesSounds at 12:19 PM EDT on August 25, 2024
Ok. I've got an idea. Share ARIKA.DAT with me and I'll make a video to explain the process and make it a little clearer.

If you don't want to, then just drag the file into VGMTrans and see if you can pull anything up.

I recently took a look at Everblue 2 files and I found where all the samples are. So I'm pretty sure it's in a similar structure.

edited 4:38 PM EDT August 25, 2024
by Locke_gb7 at 1:58 PM EDT on August 27, 2024
Thats awesome! here are the DAT files

That be awesome if they used the same system

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