How to Play and Dump BGM in a BRSAR File (2024 Update) by larsenv at 3:18 PM EDT on August 25, 2024
I made a thread 7 years ago on this topic, but many years ago a change to Dolphin broke it, so I'm rewriting this tutorial. It works on the latest version of Dolphin.

Wii games use BRSAR files to store sequenced sound and/or sound effects. The only tools that somewhat export the data is BrawlCrate and a version of VGMTrans which was modified to help SiivaGunner team members make high quality rips. The best tool to export the sound properly is a SDK tool called NW4R Viewer, which only works in Dolphin with the setup I have provided. There also is a SDK tool to play only the BRSAR files, but I haven't gotten it to work with Dolphin the way it's supposed to work. This tool also works to view BRRES files, BREFF / BREFT files, and BRLYT files.

1. Download this, unpack it, and place a BRSAR file in the folder called files.

2. Launch sys/main.dol in Dolphin

3. Press the HOME Button, use the arrow keys to switch the mode to Sound Mode, then select Open File by pressing the A Button. Select the BRSAR.

4. Use the arrow keys to select what sound you want to view, and press the A Button to play it.

5. If you want to dump the audio, select Movie -> Dump Audio on Dolphin. It will save it to Dump/Audio in your user folder. You can speed up the emulation to make it dump more fast, it wont speed up the playback on the audio dump

The documentation and other files for the viewer tool is here and here for the sound tool
by larsenv at 12:31 PM EDT on August 27, 2024
I forgot to mention that the screen will be filled with warnings unfortunately I dont know a way to make them be gone. if you want to mute tracks press the b button then up, then select soundinfoviewer, then you can select which track to mute with the a button

edited 12:41 PM EDT August 27, 2024
by larsenv at 12:32 PM EDT on August 27, 2024
also I made viewer properly work with dolphin by using a tool I once wrote to convert ndev titles to rvl, it patches out the error 002 check and makes it compatible with homebrew channel, then I used a tool to convert the elf to dol, but unfortunately this does not work with the player which is standalone

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