What takes VGM gamerip contributions so long? by Katsur at 1:26 AM EST on November 27, 2024
There are so many WIP contributions that take a very long time. Most of recent successful VGM rips are obscure indie games. RacingSoundtracks' gamerips, for example, take very long time, yet conditions are well-met. But, why does it takes so long? Grantina's gamerips are supposed to be 7z, not RAR, which is understandably delayed (so are Shinkukaioken's upcoming gamerips of PUBG).

So, what are the factors of such time constraints (let's not start with family matters, it is already understandable)?
by Lunar at 7:54 AM EST on November 29, 2024
Video game music is already kind of a niche interest, though maybe less than it once was. Video game soundtrack ripping is even more niche still, and especially so when you throw in all the considerations for esoteric audio formats and specialist knowledge of ripping that is found around places like this, of which there are few. Sometimes it's good to remember just how far out we are here, culturally speaking. :D I feel the same about the masses of untagged xsf rips, but it's the same deal, there's very few people interested in this stuff who also have the time, enthusiasm and skill set. Most people are happy with Spotify.

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