(PS1) Small Soldiers Audio Help by TheFirstHunt at 11:31 PM EST on January 22, 2025
Hello again. So, recently, I've been fixated on the PS1 Small Soldiers game. I had it as a kid and was always fascinated with how different it was from the movie. I didn't realize until much later how tribal/Australian the sound effects and overall vibe was. I knew it was different, I just couldn't place it as a kid. Anyway, I've run it through a few different programs (PSound, jpsxdec, vgmtoolbox) and while I can find plenty of textures and decode the videos just fine, outside of PSound finding some very repetitive and pitched-up sound effects, I've had no luck getting them to a usable state (or the music, at all). If anyone with more know-how than I have could take a look, I'd much appreciate it. If there's anything I can provide, just let me know.
by TheFirstHunt at 1:23 PM EST on January 23, 2025
I should clarify, I did change the sample rate in PSound, it's just that the audio it found was just some sound effects repeated and grunts from enemies, none of the music and none of the dialogue.
by TheFirstHunt at 1:33 PM EST on January 23, 2025
Did more digging. While PSound couldn't find most audio when scanning the .BIN files, if I mount the game and extract all of its individual files, PSound *does* find plenty in its .TAF files. Will update again if I find that they contain everything.
by TheFirstHunt at 3:19 PM EST on January 23, 2025
Did more digging. While PSound couldn't find most audio when scanning the .BIN files, if I mount the game and extract all of its individual files, PSound *does* find plenty in its .TAF files. Will update again if I find that they contain everything.

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