N64 Sound Drivers by Igoreshazhu at 1:36 AM EST on February 17, 2025
I'm still looking for confirmation of sound drivers. It still needs similar program to NSFID and vgmid to check most of games.

The reason is Duc Nguyen created not full sound driver list. There's some lies were there: https://vgmpf.com/Wiki/index.php?title=Nintendo_64_sound_drivers

I'm only know, that Nintendo's sound driver was not licensed to various developers. Not like MP2K or Nitro Composer. Most of Japanese developers and groups like Mint, Music Worx and Pure Sound used their own sound drivers. Most of western games used Software Creations sound driver, due the developers used their tools and hardware from Nintendo's devkit. And in some japanese games, according to SubDrag's research.

Regarding Nguyen's thoughts, not all games uses Software Creations' sound driver. Some games used unique sound drivers, especially games by Boss Game Studios, H2O Entertainment (only two Tetris games), LucasArts and various others. And also, FMOD sound library (South Park Rally) and Miles Sound System as audio compression technology.

But most of last games uses MusyX driver and MORT voice compression technology by Factor 5.

Some drivers should be checked and confirmed.

Before I'm tried to extract ROM files for checking sound formats, but i don't know, how it can be extracted.

edited 1:36 AM EST February 17, 2025
by Igoreshazhu at 1:42 AM EST on February 17, 2025
Some of sound drivers, like Software Creations (N64WavePtrTable) were mentioned in SubDrag's N64Soundtool config files: https://github.com/jombo23/N64-Tools/blob/master/N64SoundbankTool/Release/gameconfigsound.ini , https://github.com/jombo23/N64-Tools/blob/master/N64SoundbankTool/Release/gameconfigmidi.ini

But some types didn't mentioned.

I finished research a month ago, but these sound drivers are still unconfirmed, especially:

Asmik (Virtual Pro Wrestling 64, WCW vs. nWo: World Tour) - it possibly uses Michiya Hirasawa's sound driver (see Mint section)
Athena (Dezaemon 3D, Pro Mahjong Kiwame 64)
Climax (Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs) - uses extended modules
Chatnoir (Mahjong 64)
Compile (Puyo Puyo Sun 64)
Digital Eclipse (Midway's Greatest Arcade Hits Volume I (during game selection)
Epoch (Doraemon 1-2)
GameTek (Jeopardy!, Wheel of Fortune)
Kiyohiro Sada (64 Ouzumou, 64 Ouzumou 2, 64 Trump Collection: Alice no Waku Waku Trump World, Onegai Monsters, Toon Panic (?))
Mint/Michiya Hirasawa (Choukuukan Night: Pro Yakyuu King 1-2, J.League Dynamite Soccer 64, Wonder Project J2: Koruro no Mori no Josette)
Music Worx/Masakatsu Maekawa: (Last Legion UX, Pachinko 365 Nichi, Power League 64, Shin Nippon Pro-Wrestling: Toukon Road - Brave Spirits, Shin Nippon Pro Wrestling: Toukon Road 2 - Next Generation, Ucchannanchan no Honou no Challenger: Denryuu Iraira Bou (?))
Opus? (Fighters Destiny, MRC: Multi-Racing Championship, SimCity 2000 (?))
Pandora Box (Kiratto Kaiketsu! 64 Tanteidan, Zool: Majū Tsukai Densetsu)
Paradigm/unknown variants (Aero Fighters Assault, Beetle Adventure Racing, F-1 World Grand Prix 1-2, Pilotwings 64)
Probe (Bust-A-Move 2, Bust-A-Move 3 DX (?), Extreme-G, Extreme-G: XG2)
SETA (Chopper Attack, Eikou no St. Andrews, Ide Yosuke no Mahjong Juku, Japan Pro Golf Tour 64 (64DD), Morita Shogi 64, Saikyou Habu Shougi, Super Real Mahjong VS (ARC), Variant Schwanzer (ARC), Tetris 64 (?), Mayjinsen 3 (ARC) (?))
T&E Soft (Harukanaru Augusta Masters '98, Waialae Country Club: True Golf Classics)
Treasure/early (Mischief Makers)
Tsukasa Masuko (Densha de Go! 64, Quest 64) - both games can be use different sound drivers, but Tsukasa Masuko working on both games
Ubisoft (Donald Duck: Goin' Quackers, F1 Racing Championship, Monaco Grand Prix, Rayman 2: The Great Escape, Tonic Trouble)
Westwood Pacific (Freak Boy (Prototype), Golden Nugget 64)
Z-Axis (Fox Sports College Hoops '99, Space Invaders)

From undefined games:

AI Shogi 3
Aidyn Chronicles: The First Mage (possibly unique sound driver by H2O, which not based on Pridie's driver)
Dark Rift
Dual Heroes
Heiwa Pachinko World 64
Hey You, Pikachu!
Jangou Simulation: Mahjong-dou 64
Jinsei Game 64
J.League Tactics Soccer
Mahjong Horoki Classic
Mike Piazza's Strike Zone
PD Ultraman Battle Collection 64
PGA European Tour
Premier Manager 64
Razor Freestyle Scooter
Robotech: Crystal Dreams (Unreleased)
SimCopter 64 (Prototype)
Tamiya Racers 64 (Unreleased)
Top Gear HyperBike
Top Gear Overdrive
Vivid Dolls (ARC)

Also, I'm still confused with Software Creations, since it founded in some of Japanese games, according to same config files. And all games uses same SNG sound format (with sole exception of Nightmare Creatures, since it used extended modules). Only SubDrag can confirm it, since he researched most of N64 games, but really?

And birdmanager6 is refused me about N64 support for vgmid, since he not interested on it. Really. And SubDrag refused me, since he never created similar programs and he is busy with other things. Maybe, someone can check some of unconfirmed drivers, that researched by me.

edited 1:44 AM EST February 17, 2025

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